BARA "FrozeN TearS" (Official Video)

Thursday, 30 May 2024



NEWS  2024


[[Barafoetida]] have entered their third artistic phase. In the first phase the group was virtual with the name divided into 2 parts: ''Bara Foetida''.

In the second phase with the arrival of the singer and musician ''Luke Warner'', the group also begins live activity and definitively defines its musical style and the name changes to [[Barafoetida]], joining the two names as a symbol of the new union.

Now the group in its third phase also includes two new members: ''Davide Fabbri'' on drums and ''Luca Stoppy Stoppa'' on guitar, who give new life in the studio and emphasis in live performances.

The name of the group is shortened to [[BARA]]: shorter name but greater artistic quality.


I [[Barafoetida]] sono entrati nella loro terza fase artistica . Nella prima fase il gruppo era virtuale con il nome diviso in 2 parti: ''Bara Foetida''.

Nella seconda fase con l'avvento del cantante e musicista ''Luke Warner'', il gruppo inizia anche l'attività live e definisce definitivamente il proprio stile musicale e il nome cambia in [[Barafoetida]], congiungendo i due nomi come simbolo della nuova unione. 

Ora il gruppo nella sua terza fase comprende anche due nuovi membri: ''Davide Fabbri'' alla batteria e ''Luca Stoppy Stoppa'' alla chitarra, che danno nuova linfa in studio ed enfasi nei live. 

Il nome del gruppo viene abbreviato in [[BARA]]: nome più breve ma maggiore qualità artistica.
Barafoetida is an italian Electro-Dark project band, made up of five friends:
The band was born in 2014 in a small town in the North of Italy

Current lineup:

Luke Warner - (Lead vocal, computer programming, theremin, sound devices)
Denny Z - (Keyboards, synthesizer, computer proramming)
Davide Fabbri - (Drums)
Luca Stoppy - (Guitar)
Triplax Vermifrux (Lyrics)

2024 - LIVE Tommy Rec XXV° Anniversario
Live Album for Free Dawnload on 

New Album 2023

Brand new album "Frozen Tears" by Barafoetida
CD is available now with free shipping
Italy: 13 Euro
Europe: 15 Euro
Worldwide: 20 Euro
Contact us on our email:

Listen to the album in the best digital music stores


October 2022

Barafoetida are back!
"Raven's Day" is the new song by Barafoetida. This song is also part of the highly anticipated new album which will be released in spring 2023

Listen to the song in the best digital music stores

April 2022

New Cd Single  
"Dancing In The Graveyard /Psycho Killer (New Version 2022)" available Now!

March  2022

Barafoetida revisit in a new version the song "Psycho Killer" released for the first time in 2017. The new Version 2022 is very different from the original edition,  and it has been re-arranged, re-sung and re-mixed at Rastapax Records in Mestre, Italy
Psycho Killer (New Version 2022) is also be included on the Cd Single titled "Dancing In The Graveyard/"Psycho Killer" 2022

Listen to the song in the best digital music stores

Check out the Lyrics of the song

December 2021

Pentagram From HelL (The Barafoetida Instrumentals) 
A Compilation Of Some Very Best Instrumentals Of Barafoetida. 
Out Now in the best Digital Music Stores


October 2021

Halloween night is coming and we are ready to play and make everyone dance ... Where? In the cemetery, of course!
''Dancing In The Graveyard'' is the new single for Halloween by Barafoetida.
Let's listen to it and let's go dancing among tombstones and graves under the light of the full moon ... HAPPY HALLOWEEN
The music video of the song is available on YouTube on October, 10, 2021

March 2021

New CD: "777 ObscurA SomniA" by Barafoetida
The album consists of 11 tracks,  and for the moment will be released only in CD format
If you are interested in purchasing the CD, you can write to us on our email:
Cd Price: 10 euro + shipping

More info Album... HERE

Listen to the album in the best digital music stores


News 2019

Barafoetida releases new song 'Monochrome'
MONOCHROME the color of madness
A man, the art of painting, a single color mania: the red blood of his victims.
Barafoetida with this new song invite you on a journey into the mind of a crazy painter, artist and murderer.
Production by GORE PRODUCTION of F. Spurio
Song available on Bandcamp

September 2019

Brand New: "777 ObscurA SomniA Live"
This is the first Barafoetida's open air live on September 14, 2019 in the Triplax secret garden, between friendly people and deceiving shadows.
Enjoy the music before the silence.
Album available on Bandcamp

June 2019

Here Comes The Raven (Deluxe Edition with bonus)
CD & Digital
Listen to the album on

NEWS 2018

Barafoetida - Buio Scarlatto
BUIO SCARLATTO is a multimedia project created by BARAFOETIDA, the union of music and moving images, that is the soundtrack of a homonymous horror film.
Album available on CD in red and blue edition.

Listen to the album on Bandcamp

NEWS 2017

Barafoetida - Due lune senza sole
Barafoetida present their new single “Due lune senza sole” sung in Italian, followed by the English version of the same song as "Two Full Moons & No Sun" (New Version 2017)
Listen to the album om
iTunes - GooglePlay - Amazon - Bandcamp

April 2017

Barafoetida "A Coffinful of Secrets"
Barafoetida release new album "A Coffinful of Secrets" out April 2017
The band present their new album
More info....HERE

Listen & Buy Album Here
Links to music portals (Deezer, Spotify, iTunes, GooglePlay, Amazon, etcc)

Barafoetida "Psycho Killer"
Barafoetida release new single “Psycho Killer” out March 2017
The song is taken from the upcoming album “A Coffinful of Secrets”

Official Video

Download / Streaming

NEWS 2016

Barafoetida "Necronomicon"
In Waiting for the first album of the new reformed Barafoetida, where for the occasion will be in an enlarged version with vocalist, bass and guitar, Barafoetida release the album ''Necronomicon''.
More info...HERE

Listen to the album on Bandcamp