BARA "FrozeN TearS" (Official Video)

Saturday, 29 February 2020

New Album: '777-ObscurA SomniA' by Barafoetida

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I Barafoetida sono giunti alla pubblicazione del loro nuovo album ''777-ObscurA SomniA''.
La band ha, in un arco di due anni, composto, provato ed inciso le loro nuove canzoni, dove hanno condensato i loro diversi gusti musicali tra di loro e nello stesso tempo accomunati dal gusto per il dark,il gothic e l'elettropop.

L'album si sviluppa su 11 brani che portano la tipica impronta elettro dark pop che si mostra con le ipnotiche ''Exodus'' e 'Blind'',le melodiche e speranzose ''When the soul leaves the body'' e ''Ride the sky'', la disperata e rabbiosa ''God of nothing'' con elementi metal e al basso il prezioso contributo di Diego Banchero dei Segno del Comando, la apocalittica ''The end''.
Non mancano gli strumentali ariosi e quasi prog e sperimentazioni come ''The left hand path''.

Luke Warner, Denny Z e Triplax Vermifrux hanno voluto esprimere il loro dissenso contro una società che si sta chiudendo su se stessa in una globalizzazione virtuale, la mancanza di un segnale da un dio che sembra sfuggire all'uomo, ma anche lampi di speranza in una vita oltre la morte.

Non mancano i brani ispirati all'esoterismo e la cabbala e alle leggende come gli incubi e i succubi  ispirati dalle paralisi notturne.
''Alice'' degli Sisters of Mercy è la cover scelta dalla band che rende omaggio ad uno dei loro punti di riferimento della vecchia scuola dark gothic inglese.
Avvicinatevi a questa opera numerosi  e per chi cerca nuove emozioni e sensazioni musicali non avrà di cui pentirsi.

Barafoetda have come to the release of their new album "777-ObscurA SomniA".
The band has, over two years, composed, tried and recorded their new songs, where they have condensed their different musical tastes together and at the same time united by the passion for dark, gothic and electropop.

The album is spread over 11 tracks that carry the typical electro dark pop imprint that is shown with the hypnotic' 'Exodus' 'and' Blind '', the melodic and hopeful '' When the soul leaves the body '' and '' Ride the sky '', the desperate and angry '' God of nothing '' with metal elements and on bass guitar the precious contribution of Diego Banchero of the Segno del Comando band, the apocalyptic ''The End'.
There is no shortage of airy and almost prog instrumentals and experiments like "The left hand path"

Luke Warner, Denny Z and Triplax Vermifrux wanted to express their dissent against a society that is closing in itself in a virtual globalization, the lack of a signal from a god who seems to flee to the man, but also sprinkles of hope in a life beyond death.

There is no lack of songs inspired by esotericism and the cabbala and legends such as incubus and succubus  inspired by night paralysis.
'Alice'' by Sisters of Mercy is the cover song chosen by the band that pays tribute to one of  their landmarks of the English old school dark gothic
Approach this work numerous and for those looking for new emotions and musical sensations will have no regret.


Streaming // Download
New Single  "When the soul leaves the body"

777 ObscurA SomniA
Album Tracklist:
1)  777
2)  God Of Nothing
3)  When My Soul Leaves The Body
4) Blind
5) Ride The Sky
6) Exodus
7) Obscura Somnia
8) Ruins And Despair
9) The Left Hand Path
10) Alice (The Sisters Of Mercy Cover)
11) The End

Album - Notes:
Barafoetida are :
Luke Warner: Lead Vocals, Theremin, synthesizers, computer programming.
Triplax Vermifrux: Lyrics, Computer programming, sound devices.
Denny Z: Keyboards, synthesizers, computer programming.

Marco Paltanin: acoustic guitar solo on track 1
Diego Banchero: bass on track 2
Fabio Pieretto: original guitar riffs on track 2
Luca Nagliati: bass on track 3
Antonio Crepaldi: guitars on track 5

All music and lyrics by Barafoetida track 2 (Barafoetida and Fabio Pieretto) and track 10 (Andrew Eldritch).

Album produced by Nicola Malvagio Veronese, Barafoetida & Marco Fregnan
All Tracks recorded at Barafoetida's Studios
Additional production: Alberto De Grandis
Mixing & Mastering by Alberto De Grandis
Photo front and back cover by Digital Video 3
Sculpture "Il Tempo Sospeso" courtesy by Gianni Destro
Artwork by Enzo Z & Barafoetida
Photos by Desy Pregnolato
Make up by Ninja Priscilla Crepaldi

This Album is dedicated in loving memory to BRUNO BEZZ PITTORE

2020 All Rights Reserved

Barafoetida - Social Media






Barafoetida Biograbhy:

Barafoetida When My Soul Leaves The Body ft. Luca Nagliati (Official Video)

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